Unit 11 Class 10 English: Ethics and Morality | Wisdom of Little Girls | Neb English Notes

Unit 11 Class 10 English: Ethics and Morality | Wisdom of Little Girls | Neb English Notes
Neb English Notes 

Unit 11 Class 10 English: Ethics and Morality | Wisdom of Little Girls | Neb English Guide

Unit 11 Class 10 English: Ethics and Morality

Reading I

Look at the picture and answer the questions.

a. What do you think the people are doing?.


I think the people are quarelling. 

b. Why is it good or bad?


It is bad because it never has positive results. 

Wisdom of Little Girls

A. Replace the words or phrases in red in the sentences below with the correct words from the box.

abusing   finery   lassies   scrambled   fancy  folly  rejoicing   chip

a. The women were dressed in their best clothes to go to the party.

The women were dressed in their finery to go to the party.

b. Do you sometimes imagine of living in a luxurious house?

Do you sometimes fancy of living in a luxurious house?

c. When Shila was chased by a dog she managed to climb quickly climb onto the wall.

When Shila was chased by a dog she scrambled onto the wall.

d. The young girls impressed everyone with their performance.

》The lassies impressed everyone with their performance.

e. It was his stupidity to leave the bike unlocked in the street.

It was his folly to leave the bike unlocked in the street.

f. Each one blamed the other of cheating. Soon, they started mistreating each other.

Each one blamed the other of cheating. Soon, they started absusing each other.

g. Could you please give me a piece of paper? I can't find the duster.

Could you please give me a chip of paper? I can't find the duster.

h. The farmers danced in happiness when it rained after a long drought.

The farmers danced in rejoiced when it rained after a long drought.

B. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

a. The two little girls were dressed in new frocks probably because ......................

i. they were twins.

ii. they had to go to church.

iii. they went to the same school.

ii. they had to go to church.

b. When Malasha was going to splash into the puddle, ............

i. Akoulya asked Malasha not to go into the puddle.

ii. Akoulya asked her Malasha to take off her shoes and stockings before going.

iii. Akoulya asked Malasha to go into the puddle alone.

ii. Akoulya asked her Malasha to take off her shoes and stockings before going.

c. While running home, the girls were caught by ...........

i. Akoulya's mother

ii. Malasha's mother

iii. Akoulya's grandmother

i. Akoulya's mother

d. Akoulya's grandmother ................

i. was able to calm down the crowd

ii. could not calm down the crowd

iii. chased away the crowd with stones

i. was able to calm down the crowd

e. While the men were busy fighting, the two girls ............

i. joined the fight of the men

ii. played a game together

iii. started to fight with each other

ii. played a game together

f. At the end, the men ..............

i. were guilty of their deed

ii. were pleased with their deed

iii. were proud of their deed

i. were guilty of their deed

C. Answer these questions.

a. How were the girls dressed?


The girls were dressed in new frocks. The little girl wore a blue frock, and the other wore a yellow print frock. Both of them had red kerchiefs on their heads.

b. Where did the girls begin to play?


The girls began to play in a large puddle in the lane between two homesteads. The puddle in the lane was formed from the dirty water running through the farmyards.

c. Why did Akoulya get angry with Malasha?


Akoulya got angry with Malasha because Malasha accidentally splashed dirty water onto Akoulya's frock while they got near one another in the puddle. 

d. Why did the crowd gather in the street?


The crowd gathered in the street because of the argument and angry quarrel between the two girls' mothers. Due to their quarrel, all went on shouting and quarrelling.

e. How did Akoulya's grandmother try to calm down the crowd?


Akoulya's grandmother tried to calm down the crowd by stepping in among them and counselling them to leave their folly and rejoice in the happy occasion of Easter.

f. Why are the girls called wiser than men?


The girls are called wiser than men because they immediately settle their argument, forget about it, and happily begin playing together again in a puddle while the men and women are fighting. They demonstrate a great capacity to enjoy and overcome anger.

g. What lesson do you learn from the story?


The lesson we learn from the story is that we should remain simple, innocent and happy like those children who immediately forgive, forget and find happiness in everything.  There is no point in useless arguments and quarrels.



D. Remember a similar incident that happened during your childhood and share it in the class.


When I was in the fifth grade, one of my friends Bibek and I had a fuss over the matter of shining pencils. Both of us claimed the pencil. We had the same pencil but one was missing. When we started arguments, the whole class started arguing. Students started fighting taking our sides. Due to our arguments, all students started quarrelling. I and Bibek got confused to see the situation. We didn't want a fight between students in class. A bit later, we both decided to calm them down. We started counselling them, but none seemed interested. Finally, we both left the class and started playing on the ground. Seeing us playing, students laughed at each other and came out and joined us in the game.


A. A Youth Club President is asking for its members’ agreement to her plan to raise a fund. Act out the conversation in threes.

President: Well, everyone, do we all agree that we'll conduct a fair to raise a fund?

Surya: Yes, I agree. We need some funds to manage prizes and all...

Asmita: I don't think that's right. Not all students might spend their money on the fair. We should find other options too.

B. Work in threes and have similar conversations as above. Use the situations below.

a. The headteacher is trying to take students' agreement on conducting extra classes for students.

Headteacher: Well, everyone, do you all agree that we'll conduct extra classes for all of you?

Sam: Yes, I agree. Extra classes will surely bring good results in the final exams.

Rani: I don't think the decision is good for all students. Teachers should think about those students who are so poor and can't pay for extra classes. 

b. The zoo manager is asking for its committee members to add a lion in the zoo.

Zoo manager: Well, everyone, do well all agree on adding a lion in our zoo for public attraction.

Han: Yes, I think it's a good idea. Adding a lion to our zoo will surely attract more visitors in our zoo.

Chan: I don't think it's a good idea. The management of cages should be implemented first. Without proper cages, I think this idea won't work.

c. The chairperson of your ward wants all of you to participate in the cleanliness campaign.

Chairperson: Well, everyone, do we all agree that we should participate in the cleanliness campaign? 

Ram: Yes, I agree. Participation in a cleanliness campaign in our village will surely bring positive results sooner.

Shyam: I don't think this campaign will work. We need funds first. Without funds, this campaign can't have fine results. 

d. The class monitor is asking all friends to make a job chart and follow it.

Monitor: Well, everyone, do we all agree that we'll make a job chart and follow it?

Simran: I think this is the right idea. This chat will manage different tasks of students. 

Kiran: I don't think this task will work. Some students are so undisciplined. They should be taught first.

e. The English teacher wants all the students to make a good presentation in class at regular intervals.

English teacher: Well, everyone, do we all agree that we'll make a good presentation in class at regular intervals?

John: I think it's right. This task will surely improve our communication ability.

Sam: I don't think this task will work properly. Most students remain absent in this class. We should manage attendance first.



Grammar I

A. Study the following sentences and notice how the affirmative sentences change into negative.

Affirmative & Negative

a. He sometimes goes swimming.

Neg 》He does not always go swimming.

b. Manisha has a bath daily.

Neg 》Manisha does not have a bath daily.

c. Have a cup of tea.

Neg 》Do not have a cup of tea.

d. I have already met him.

Neg 》I have not met him yet.

e. Only he can solve it.

Neg 》None but he can solve it.

f. Only this medicine could save him.

Neg 》Nothing but this medicine could save him.

g. I want a little milk.

Neg 》I do not want much milk.

h. Let's listen to the music.

Neg 》Let's not listen to the music.

i. You must buy it.

Neg 》You need not buy it.

j. I liked it, too.

Neg 》I did not like it, either.

k. He had to do the job on time.

Neg 》He did not have to do the job on time.

B. Transform the following sentences into negative.

a. My sister lives with my parents.

My sister doesn't live with my parents. 

b. Maryam knows the answer well.

Maryam doesn't know the answer well.

c. I want to leave now.

I don't want to leave now.

d. Anusha agrees with me.

Anusha doesn't agree with me.

e. The boy killed the cockroach with his shoe.

The boy didn't kill the cockroach with his shoe.

f. His father recognized me at once.

His father didn't recognize me at once.

g. He apologized for his misconduct.

He didn't apologize for his misconduct. 

h. He ate a few mangoes.

He didn't eat many mangoes. 

i. We sold a little honey.

We didn't sell much honey. 

j. The rich are sometimes happy.

The rich are not always happy.

k. Kanchan frequently visits me.

Kanchan rarely visits me.

I. Shailesh bought several books.

Shailesh didn't buy few books.

m. Garima let me use her toilet.

Garima didn't let use her toilet. 

n. All of them can help her.

None of them can help her.

C. Complete the following sentences choosing the correct forms of verbs in brackets.

a. A number of soldiers ......... (was, were, are) injured in the war.


b. The number of deceased soldiers ......... (were, is, are) not stored in the record book.


c. A pack of lions ......... (was, were, is ) approaching the camp.


d. His pants ......... (was, were, is) torn during the match.


e. The truthful ......... (was, is, are) always trustworthy.


f. To cry ............... (was, are, is) never the solution to any problems.


g. Here ......... (lie, lies, lying) the tomb of Albert Einstein.


h. Either she or her friends ......... (was, is, are) responsible for this accident.


i. None ......... (were, is, are) under the sun.


j. All that ....... (glitter/ glitters/glittering) is not gold.


k. Everything ......... (is, were, are) fine when it's done correctly.


l. Either the sculpture or the paintings ......... (was, were, are) in the museum today.


m. Each of the dancers......... (twirl, twirls, twirling) brilliantly.


n. Neither she nor I ......... (were, am, are) getting the lunch special.


Writing I

You might have read or heard some moral stories. Write your favourite one in your own words.


               Two Friends and A Bear

Once upon a time, there were two friends. They lived in a village named Ramnagar. Once they were walking through the forest to reach the town on the next side. Both of them knew that anything dangerous can happen to them at any time in the forest. They both promised each other that they would remain united in any case of upcoming danger. While moving ahead on their way, they saw a movement in the big bushes. They felt quite fearful and paused themselves. A bit later, they saw a large bear approaching them. Seeing the bear coming closer, one of the friends ran from the spot and started to climb a nearby tree. But another friend paused himself there because he did not know how to climb. He made his excellent use of mind very quickly. He laid himself down on the ground breathless pretending to be a dead man. The bear came near him and started inspecting him. The bear smelt in his ears for a few seconds. After then, it slowly left the place. Then, his friend came down and asked his friend," What did the bear tell you into your ears?" So another friend replied, "The bear advised me not to believe a false friend." He knew that true friends always support you whenever you need help.

Moral: We shouldn't believe a false friend. 



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