Unit 15 Class 10 English: People and Places | Me at the Beginning of Life | Neb English Notes

Neb English Notes 

Unit 15 Class 10 English: People and Places | Me at the Beginning of Life | Neb English Notes 

Unit 15 Class 10 English: People and Places

Reading I

Look at the picture and answer these questions.

a. Who is the person in the picture?


The person in the picture is Jhamak Kumari Ghimire. 

b. What is she famous for?


She is famous for her outstanding autobiography called Jiwan Kadan Ki Phool (Is Life a Thorn or Flower)

Me at the Beginning of Life

A. Find the words from the text that have the following meanings.

a. ............................ lacking taste


b. ......................... wrote words


c. ........................ twisted together


d. ............................ causing difficulty in breathing


e. ................... a particular attitude towards something


f. .................. a person's child or children


g. ............................... bad luck


B. Complete the sentences below choosing the correct words from the text.

a. The word ‘calm’ is opposite in meaning to restless.

b. The phrase .............. means 'died’.

passed away

c. The word .............. means incapable of being seen.


d. The word 'wish' and .............. are synonyms.


e. The word ............... means making dirty.


C. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. Jhamak Ghimire defines her life as a beautiful flower of creation.


b. According to her, our fortune decides how our life will be.


c. The author was happy with how she spent her childhood.


d. People blamed Jhamak herself for her physical disability.


e. According to the writer, Homer was incomplete because he was physically incapable.


f. Jhamak could make grandmother happy with her voice.


g. Jhamak's grandmother still looks after her.


D. Answer these questions.

a. Why does Jhamak think her life as a burdensome life?


Jhamak thinks her life as a burdensome life because her life is full of struggles without a moment of sweetness, happiness, sympathy and sensibilities of the human heart. She believes that she has been robbed by her fate and leads an animal-like painful existence.

b. When does the fortune draw a line of fate?


The fortune draws a line of fate when a newborn is prepared for the first night's sleep with an exercise book and pen under the pillow. 

c. How did people respond to her life? Was she happy with their behaviour?


People responded with anger and displeasure at her life. They believed that she had been cursed by the gods for her previous life's sins and she herself was responsible for her state. They had no kindness or affection towards her. For them, she was like a thorn that pricked only. No, she wasn't happy with their behaviour.

d. Who does Jhamak compare herself with? What made them different from Jhamak?


Jhamak compares herself to great authors such as Homer, Nikolai Ostrovsky and Helen Keller. All these people were physically deformed like her but they managed to make significant contributions to the world. Before leaving, they left a different useful perspective for everyone and also set down the meaning of being human. These people got recognition and appreciation while Jhamak faced criticism and negativities.

e. Did achieving awareness become a curse for her? Why?


Yes, achieving awareness became a curse for her. It was because her awareness built up her consciousness which resulted in the demand for the fulfilment of her various desires and dreams. But she felt repressed due to her awareness of physical disabilities. She lacked voice, strength and the ability to speak, making her a helpless girl with unfulfilled desires. Her awareness of unfulfilled desires eventually led her to more painful experiences.

f. How does Jhamak picturise her family's economic condition during her childhood?


Jhamak picturises her family's economic condition during her childhood as not so good. It was very hard for the family to manage two meals a day. Her parents often went hungry at mealtime. As the first child of her son, grandmother loved, took care and feed Jhamak, remaining without food herself.



E. Read the opening chapter of 'Jivan Kadan Ki Phul' in Nepali and narrate the story of Jhamak's life in your own words.


The opening chapter of "Jeevan Kadan Ki Phool" is a heartfelt reflection by author Jhamak Ghimire on her early life experiences and the challenges she faced.

Here, she expresses her realization that life is a beautiful creation, but questions whether her own life fits that description. Despite enduring immense pain and hardship, she finds a glimmer of laughter within her suffering.

Jhamak describes how her fate was written on the sixth day after her birth, but it did not bring her the fortune her mother had hoped for. She feels burdened by a life devoid of joy and human emotions, and compares her existence to that of an animal. 

Society regards her as cursed and treats her with disdain, causing her to silently question why she is to blame for her circumstances. Jhamak acknowledges the role of nature and his mother in giving him life, but laments her physical limitations and inability to communicate.

She reflects on the achievements of other disabled people who left their mark on history, while she lived a life of inequality and longing.  Despite her struggles, Jhamak holds a deep gratitude for her grandmother, who took care of her selflessly even when the family faced financial difficulties.

The author has fond memories of her beloved grandmother's love and nurturing, and acknowledges its impact on her life. Jhamak ends by acknowledging her grandmother's absence but insists that she is still alive in his heart and mind.


Each word below has two different pronunciations which give two different meanings. Pronounce them as per the meanings given below, Take help from your teacher or a dictionary.

read (v.) -- to perceive information provided in a written form 


read (v.) -- the past tense of the verb “read”


live (v.)to be alive


live (adj.) being alive


wind (n.) a movement of air


wind (v.) to turn, especially something around something else


wound (n.) an injury


wound (v.)the past tense of the verb “wind”


tear (v.) to rip a solid material


tear (n.) a water drop coming from someone's eyes


use (v.) to utilise

UK/juːz/ use

use (n.) away in which something is used





A. Work in pairs and practise the conversation below.

Woman: Excuse me sir!

Police Inspector: Yes, how may I help you?

Woman: Someone snatched my handbag.

Police Inspector: Can you describe the person?

Woman: He is a young man, sir. He is of medium height. I saw only the side of his face. He is rather dark-skinned. He has short black hair. He had put on a half-sleeved shirt of grey colour and faint blue trousers. He slipped while running and I saw yellow rubber slippers on his feet.

B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your friends, teachers, or parents. Describe their age, face, general appearance, build, manner of walking, hair, dress, etc.


Me: Hi! Ram.

Ram: Hello! Shyam.

Me: Do you know about the arrival of a teacher in our school?

Ram: I have heard of him. But I  haven't seen him. Have you seen him?

Me: Yes, I have. He is so young.

Ram: Can you describe him?

Me: Yes, I can. He is 24 years old handsome young man. He has got an average height of 5 feet 6 inches. His complexion is white with blond curly hair. He looks quite awesome in his T-shirt and jeans pants. He has got a round face with a slight moustache and beard. He seems like a hero in his goggles. His walking style is superb. He walks as if the hero in the movie walks dashingly. He has also got God's tattoo on his right arm. 

Ram: Oh! That's great. Thanks for your information. 

C. Read the text below. Sukumaya is describing her village.

My village is a very beautiful place. There is a big lake near my house, On the full moon night, you can watch the moon reflected in the calm water of the lake. We can see many snowcapped mountains from the village. The forest is full of a variety of animals such as wild pigs, leopards, tigers, deer, etc. Evenings here are very pleasant.

Now, tell about your village or town in a similar way.


 My village's name is Tekanpur. It is situated in Sindhupalchok district. This village is small but so beautiful. It is surrounded by beautiful green hills. The lush around my village is very pleasant. The environment of this place is outstanding. This place is suitable for all seasons. There are so many beautiful places. We find fine green forests, rivers and rivulets around. In the matter of facilities, everything is available in my village.

Grammar I 

A. Read the conversation below and underline the relative clauses used in it.

Swikriti: Abdul, look at this photo.

Abdul: Is this Sahara, the girl who plays the piano?

Swikriti: No, this is Reema, the girl who won the singing competition last year.

Abdul: I know her. She is the girl who has long brown hair.

B. Fill in the gaps with the correct relative pronouns.

a. I admired the player ............. performance was fantastic.


b. We had some juice ............ was in the fridge.


Note: In non-defining relative clause or a clause with comma: we can use which. We can't use that.

For defining relative clause or direct clause without commas: we can use both that/which.

c. She didn't tell her teacher about her problem ............ was her mistake.


d. My mother, ............ is a farmer, grows a lot of vegetables.


e. You are my friend ............ I want to sit with.


f. I want to help those children ............ economic condition is very bad.


g. This is the road ............ the accident took place.


h. The mobile phone, ............ I bought six years ago, is still working.


i. It was in 2015 ............ .the earthquake hit Nepal badly.


j. Marima is a wonderful lady ............ everyone can trust.


C.  Join the following pairs of sentences as in the example.

Example 1: I was a girl robbed by fate. I had neither the sweetness nor the joy of life.

I was the girl robbed by fate who had neither the sweetness nor the joy of life.

Example 2: The mother bore me. She also taught me values.

The mother, who bore me, also taught me values.

a. The letter reached me this morning. My friend sent it from abroad.

The letter, which my friend sent from abroad, reached me this morning. 

b. This is the palace. Bhimsen built it.

This is the palace that Bhimsen built.

c. The boy committed cybercrime. The judge sent him to jail.

The boy, whom the judge sent to jail, committed cybercrime. 

d. He is a liar. You should not believe him.

He is a liar whom you should not believe. 

e. I know an artist. He moves with an artificial leg.

I know an artist who moves with an artificial leg.

f. Bring me the file. The file is about our new project.

Bring me the file that is about our new project.

g. We met a girl. The girl had lost her way.

We met a girl who lost her way.

h. I saw a soldier. His bravery impressed everyone.

I saw a soldier whose bravery impressed everyone. 

i. Once upon a time there lived a giant in a forest. Nobody dared to go there.

Once upon a time there lived a giant in a forest where nobody dared to go.

i. The dog took away the ball. The kids were playing it.

The dog took away the ball that kids were playing.

Writing I

Write a short biography of Nepali literary figure Til Bikram Nembang Limbu aka Bairagi Kainla. Use the outlines given below.

Birth: August 9, 1939- Panchthar, Nepal

Education: Bachelor's Arts — learnt letters at home- taught by local teachers

Publications: Bairagi Kainlaka Kavitaharu, Sappok-Chomen: Limbu Jatima Kokh-Puja, Nawacoit Mundhum and others

Contributions: Poet, former Chancellor of the Nepal Academy, pioneer of Tesro Aavam   [Third Dimension] movement

Awards:  Jagdamba Shree Award, 2076 B.S. - Sajha Puraskar, 2031 B.S. , Vishist Shrasta Samman, B.S. 20686, etc.


Biography of Nepali Literary Figure Bairagi Kainla.

Til Bikram Nеmbang Limbu, bеttеr known by his pеn namе Bairagi Kainla,  was a prominеnt littеratеur of Nеpal. Hе was born on 9 August 1939 in the Panchthar district of Nеpal. Brought up in a culturally rich еnvironmеnt, hе dеvеlopеd a kееn intеrеst in litеraturе from an еarly agе. 

His еducation bеgan with alphabеt knowlеdgе at homе, whеrе hе was taught by local tеachеrs. His kneen thirst for knowledge lеd him to pursue a bachеlor's dеgrее in arts. Dеspitе thе limitеd еducational opportunitiеs availablе in his villagе,  hе strovе to еxpand his horizons and incrеasе his undеrstanding of thе litеrary world. 

During his illustrious carееr, he made significant contributions to thе fiеld of Nеpali litеraturе. He got recognition as a poеt and became famous for his poеtic works. Some of his notablе publications include "Bairagi Kainlaka Kavitaharu, "Sappok-Chomеn: Limbu Jatima Kokh-Puja", and "Nawacoit Mundam". His writings wеrе lovеd by rеadеrs and highly apprеciatеd for thеir artistic dеpth and profound insight. 

Notably, Bairagi Kainla hеld thе position of Chancеllor of thе Nеpal Acadеmy, a prеstigious rolе that rеflеctеd his immеnsе influеncе and contribution to thе litеrary fiеld. Hе playеd a kеy role in promoting and nurturing thе arts in Nеpal, advocating for thе prеsеrvation and cеlеbration of thе country's cultural hеritagе.

Bairagi Kainla was also known as thе foundеr of thе Tеsro Awam (Third Dimеnsion) movеmеnt. The aim of this litеrary movеmеnt was to push thе boundariеs of traditional Nеpali litеraturе and еxplorе nеw dimеnsions of crеativity and еxprеssion. Through his participation and lеadеrship in this movеmеnt, hе inspirеd a gеnеration of writеrs to еxpеrimеnt with innovativе forms and thеmеs.

In rеcognition of his outstanding contribution to Nеpali litеraturе, Bairagi Kainla has rеcеivеd sеvеral awards and accoladеs throughout his carееr. Somе of thе notablе honors givеn to him includе 2076 B. S. Jagdamba Shrее Award in 2031 B. S.  Sahaj Puraskar in 2068 and B. S. Includеs Distinguishеd Tеachеr Honors. Thеsе prеstigious awards rеcognizеd his litеrary prowеss and thе significant impact hе had on thе litеrary scеnе of Nеpal. 

Bairagi Kainla's rеmarkablе journеy as a poеt and littеratеur lеft an indеliblе mark on thе Nеpali litеrary scеnе. His passion for litеraturе, his dеdication to nurturing talеnt and his artistic achiеvеmеnts continuе to inspirе and influеncе aspiring writеrs and rеadеrs alikе. His work is a tеstimony to thе powеr of words and thе еnduring lеgacy of Nеpali litеraturе.  



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