Unit 12 Class 10 English | Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 | Neb English Notes


Unit 12 Class 10 English | Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 | Neb English Notes
Neb English Notes 

Unit 12 Class 10 English | Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 | Neb English Guide

Reading Il

Look at the picture below and answer these questions.

a. What is shown in the picture?


Westminster Bridge is shown in the picture. 

b. How does it look?


It looks so beautiful and amazing. 

Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802

Earth has not anything to show more air:

Dull would he be of soul who could pass by

A sight so touching in its majesty:

This City now doth, like a garment, wear

The beauty of the morning; silent, bare,

Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie

Open unto the fields, and to the sky;

All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.

Never did sun more beautifully steep

In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill;

Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!

The river glideth at his own sweet will:

Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;

And all that mighty heart is lying still!

                                     - William Wordsworth

A. Consult a dictionary and write the meanings of the following words.

a. doth  》does (third-person singular simple present indicative form of do)

b. majesty 》the quality of being impressive and great.

c. domes 》Cylindrical roofs of buildings or structures. 

d. glittering 》brightly sparkling

e. splendor 》Magnificent appearance, display or grandeur.

f. glideth 》glide or to move softly, smoothly or effortlessly 

g. mighty 》a warrior of great strength and courage

B. Complete the summary of the poem choosing the correct words/phrases.

magnificence        Westminster Bridge straightforward     the bustling city  the countryside     the morning's beauty happily asleep       the most beautiful scene

A speaker shares his impressions of the view from Westminster Bridge in the poem 'Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802" by William Wordsworth. The speaker finds the city of London with the most beautiful scene in the Earth. According to him, anyone who does not stop at the Westminster Bridge to see the scene that morning should be dull. The city wins the heart of the speaker as it is wearing the morning's beauty.

It is early morning when the speaker describes the majesty of the city. The various landmarks visible from the bridge stand before him in all their magnificence in the morning light. The speaker finds him lucky as there is no "London fog" to hide the view.

According to the speaker the sun is shining on the buildings as it shines on the countryside. He is also surprised to feel more peace in the bustling city of London than anywhere else. The River Thames moves slowly beneath him. He also thinks that the city is happily asleep before another busy day.



C. Answer these questions.

a. When was the poem composed?


The poem was composed on 3rd September 1802.

b. According to the speaker who is dull of soul?


According to the speaker, dull of soul is the person who does not stop at Westminster Bridge to see the majestic scene that morning. 

c. How does the poet describe the beauty of morning?


The poet describes the beauty of morning by showing the majesty of the city. The various landmarks visible from the bridge stand before him in all their magnificence in the morning light. 

d. What does the word "garment" refer to? Who is wearing it?


The word "garment" refers to the beauty of the London city. London city is wearing this garment.

e. How does the poet feel when he sees such a beautiful sight?


The poet feels a deep sense of calmness or peace when he sees such a beautiful sight.

f. Why does the poet use the words like; valley, rock and hill?


The poet uses the words "valley, rock, and hill" because he wants to give much importance to the natural landscape that has made the city of London look so majestic. By using these words, the poet wants to show the comparison between man-made structures and the grandeur of natural beauty that has the power to beauty everything. 

g. What impression of London does the speaker create? How does he do that?


The speaker creates a very admirable, beautiful and majestic impression of London.  Standing on the bridge, he admires the beauty, calm and tranquillity of the early morning city, highlighting its majestic landscape.

h. What is the main theme of the poem?


The main theme of the poem is the transformative power of nature and its ability to evoke deep emotions and inspire humans to make deep connections to the world around them.

D. Does your city or village look similar to London early in the morning? Tell your friends. 


No, my village doesn't look similar to London in the morning time. But it looks far better than London. My village is situated in Sindhupalchok district which is a hilly region. My village is surrounded by green beautiful hills. This place is a real heaven for me. My village is unique due to its beautiful geographical landscape. In the early morning, the sight of my surroundings with lush makes me refresh. The morning cuckoo songs are so pleasant. The rise of the sun is also so amazing. This place is wonderful for various reasons. I like this place so much. It is suitable for all seasons. 

Grammar ll

A. Choose the correct answers and complete the text.

My uncle's family usually comes to stay with us for Dashain, but this Dashain (by this Dashain/this Dashain) we are going to visit them instead. They live in a village in Kalikot. I can hardly wait. I will have had (will have had/will be having) a fantastic time there. School holidays are going to start (are going to start /will start) on Friday, and we are going to leave the following morning.

At this time next week, I will be trekking (will be trekking/ will have trekked) to Rara Lake with my cousin, Sunil. He's an experienced trekker, and I am going to practise (am going to practise/ will have practised) rock climbing with him every day. On (By /On) the last day of our visit, Sunil’s dad is going to take us to visit Manma, the district headquarters. I hope by then I will have explored (will have explored/will be exploring) a lot about the life of people in Karnali. I will have got (will be getting/will have got) a lot of experience of trekking by the time we get back to Kathmandu after Dashain.

B. Complete each sentence using the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the future simple, be going to, future continuous, future perfect tenses or future perfect continuous tenses.

a. Tennis practice starts at 10, and we plan to play for two hours. (finish)

By 12 a'clock, we will have finished 

b. The phone is ringing! (answer)

I am going to answer the phone.

c. Do you want to come to the disco with us? (come)

Are you coming with us?

d. Look at those clouds. (rain)

Do you think it is going to rain?

e. Let's hurry up. The children are alone at home. (stay)

By the time we reach home, the children will have been staying alone at home for two hours.

f. Their plane lands at 7.30. Let's get there earlier. (wait)

At 7 o'clock, we will be waiting 

Writing ll

A. Study the following notice.

       Sanskriti Sadan Secondary School

               Sundarbazar-4, Lamjung

                        June 3, 2022


This is to inform all the students that our school is organising a Tree Plantation Programme to create awareness among the students and the public about the importance of conserving trees as part of the World Environment Day Celebration on June 5.

All the students are requested to participate actively in the programme. About two hundred different seedlings will be planted within the school premises on the occasion.                                                                   


B. Imagine you are the secretary of the Child Club of your school. Write a notice on behalf of your Child Club about a programme that you are going to organise soon.


   Child Club of Kalika Secondary School 

              Tekanpur: 6, Sindhupalchok 

Date: 2080-1-3


We are pleased to announce the upcoming program organized by the Children's Club of Kalika Secondary School.  As the secretary of this club, it is my privilege to extend this invitation to all the enthusiastic students of our prestigious institution.

Programme Details:

Date: 2080-1-5

Time: 12 to 4

Venue: School Hall

We have carefully planned an engaging and interactive event that aims to foster creativity, teamwork, and personal development. The programme will include various activities, games, and workshops, ensuring a fun-filled day for all participants.

We sincerely hope that you will join us for this memorable event and make it a grand success. Your active participation and support are crucial in making the Child Club programme a resounding triumph.

For any further information or queries, please feel free to contact our Child Club Coordinator, Ram Bohara, at 9841000000 or visit the Child Club office during school hours.

Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to your enthusiastic participation!

Best regards,

Hark Bohara


Child Club of Kalika Secondary School

Extra bit

American English and British English are not only different in accent but they are also different in pronunciation and spellings. The list below is intended to provide an overview of the most common spelling differences between American and British English.

Words ending with - re 

British English 》centre, metre, litre 

American English 》center, meter, liter

Words ending with - our

British English 》colour, humour, neighbour

American English 》color, humor, neighbor

Words ending with - ise or ize 

British English 》apologise, organize, recognise 

American English 》apologize, organize, recognize

Words ending with - yse

British English 》 analyse, paralyse, catalyse, 

American English 》 analyze, paralyze, catalyze

Words ending with - ae or oe

British English 》oestrogen, paediatric  

American English 》 estrogen, pediatric

Words ending with - ence

British English 》 defence, offence, licence 

American English 》defense, offense, license

Words ending with - ogue

British English 》analogue, dialogue, catalogue

American English 》analog, dialog, catalog

Words ending with - al/el/il/ol/ul 

British English 》 travelled, travelling, traveller, fuelled, fuelling

American English 》traveled, traveling, traveler, fueled, fueling



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