Unit: 3 Class 10 English: Health and Wellness | A Letter from a Patient | Neb English Notes

Unit: 3 Class 10 English: Health and Wellness | A Letter from a Patient | Neb English Notes
Neb English Notes

Unit: 3 Class 10: Health and Wellness | A Letter from a Patient | Neb English Guide 

Unit: 3 Health and Wellness

Reading I

Look at the picture and answer these questions.

a. Who do you think the woman is?


I think the woman is a nurse.

b. What is she doing?


She is taking care of an infant.

c. Have you ever been to hospital for treatment? How did the hospital staff treat you?


Yes, I have been to the for treatment. The hospital staff treated me in a very rude way.

A Letter from a Patient

A. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.

Column A                     Column B

a. nightmare 》iii. a very unpleasant or frightening experience

b. pediatric 》iv. relating to the medical care of children

c. intravenous 》v. into or connected to a vein

d. priority 》ii.  a thing that is regarded as more important than others

e. medications 》i. treatment using drugs

f. confidante 》ix. a person with whom private matters and problems are discussed

g. deprivation 》viii. the lack of something considered to be a necessity

h. vulnerable 》vi. in need of special care, support, or protection

i. dreadful 》vii. very bad or unpleasant

B. Write True for true and False for false statements.

a. The sender of the letter was happy with the service of the health workers.


b. The staff of different departments in the hospital had harmonious relationships with each other.


c. The hospital staff were concerned with the requirements of the sick child.


d. The staff of the hospital shared their personal feelings with the writer.


e. The chart was unclear about the patient's gender.


f. The author took the mistakes of the health workers normally.


g. The writer seems to be more sincere in her duty than the hospital staff.


C. Answer the following questions.

a. What was the nightmare for the author?


The nightmare for the author was her nine-week daughter's sickness of high fever.

b. What do you think the main purpose of this lstter is?


I think the main purpose of this letter is to express the author's gratitude for the competent treatment by doctors and nurses to her infant while also pointing out areas where hospital staff should improve to prioritize their way of communication and patient care.

c. According to the author, what was the main weakness of the hospital staff?


According to the author, the main weakness of the hospital staff was their tendency to complain about each other rather than focusing on patient care. 

d. Did the nurses really say “your daughter is not a priority”? Why did the author think so?


No, the nurses actually didn't say "your daughter is not a priority." The author thought so because the expression "I am so busy today" by the nurse made her think that her sick daughter was not their priority.

f. What do the patients and their families expect from the health workers?


The patients and their families expect polite behaviour, fine treatment with respect from the health workers.

g. List the questions that the author was asked frequently in the hospital.


The author was frequently asked the following two questions in the hospital:

- Was your daughter premature?

- Was your delivery normal?

h. Why did the health workers make gender error about the author's daughter?


The health workers made gender error about the author's daughter because her daughter was in a diaper most of the time in the hospital. Furthermore, the health workers ignored the paperwork that indicated the gender of her daughter.

i. According to the author, how do people perceive the career of health workers.


According to the author, people perceive the career of health workers not in the sense of a glamourous profession. For them, the health workers want to work for the recovery of sick patients. They regard this profession as a noble profession.

D. If you become a health worker in the future, what would be your priority? How would you treat your patients and their families? Discuss with your friends 


If I become a health worker in the future, my priority would be my patients and their overall care. I would try to treat my patients and their families respectfully. I would try my best to make them happy all the time.


Pronounce the following words and then put them in the correct columns.

food  book  cook  foot  moon  noon

roof good  school  look  hook  stood

took  wood  too  zoo  zoom  wool  mood

Short /u/ as in "book’ 

foot  good  look  hook  stood  took  wood  wool 

Long /u:/ as in 'food'

food  book  cook  moon noon  roof  school  too zoo  zoom  mood

Grammar I

A. Study the following table. Observe how the imperative sentences change from direct speech to indirect speech.

Direct speech |  Indirect speech 

She said, "Keep quiet!

She instructed me to keep quiet.

"Please close the window, teacher said.

The teacher asked me to close the window.

The doctor said, "Don't overeat".

The doctor urged me not to overeat.

She said, "Take the test next week".

She advised them to take the test next week.

He said, "Take a taxi home".

He insisted on us to take a taxi home.

He said to me, "Please wait here till I return”.

He requested me to wait there till he returned.

Pranik said, "Let's go out".

Pranik suggested that we should go out.

I said to him, "Excuse me, sir".

I begged him to excuse me.



B. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. The beginning of each sentence is given.

a. “Please help me fix this machine”.

She ...........................

She requested me to help her fix that machine.

b. “Don't please switch on the fan?”

The electrician .......................

The electrician urged me not to switch on the fan.

c. “Help me with my homework, please.”

My friend ...............................

My friend requested me to help him with his homework.

d. “Lend me some money, please.”

She ..............................

She begged me to lend her some money.

e. “Do your homework!”

The teacher told me .......................

The teacher told me to do my homework. 

f. “Don’t smoke!”

The doctor .....................

The doctor advised me not to smoke.

g. “Don’t make a mess!”

My mother ..................

My mother advised me not to make a mess.

Writing I

The letter in Reading I talks about different weaknesses of the health care workers in a hospital. Imagine you are one of the staff of the hospital. Now, write an email to the patient's mother apologising for your behaviour. Assure her that there will be improvement in the services your hospital provides.


From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: An Apology for Showing Our Rude Behaviour 

Hello, Mrs Jenisha,

We are very sorry to know about your experience in our hospital regarding our rude behaviour with you. First of all, I would like to thank you for your appreciation for our competent doctors and nurses. 

My name is Rita Johnson.  I am one of the senior nurses at this hospital here.  During your stay at the hospital, you had a very bad experience with our hospital staff.  We are acutely aware of our core duty as health professionals.  We must provide the best possible care to our patients.  However, we have disappointed you, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.  We accept that we have made mistakes.  We accept full responsibility for all our follies.  Please be assured that we are moving quickly to fix our flaws and make sure this situation never happens again.

I can also assure you as a member of the hospital team that we are dedicated to giving our patients the best possible treatment.  We appreciate the trust you have placed in us and will do our best to live up to it.  We apologize once again for any inconvenience or discomfort caused to you and your daughter while we were in the hospital.  We sincerely hope that you will give us one more chance to help you and show you how committed we are to providing healthcare excellence.

Yours Sincerely 

Rita Johnson 

A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life

A. Consult a dictionary or the internet and define the following words/phrases.

a. wonderfood

they are actually foods that have nutrients or other properties that provide benefits above and beyond basic food values.

b. cardiovascular diseases

a disease involving the heart or blood vessels, i.e. arteries and veins, such as coronary heart disease.

c. bioeconomy 

bioeconomy is a new model for industry and economy.  it contains sustainable use of renewable biological resources to produce food, energy and industrial goods.

d. demographic change

demographic change describes changes in the size and composition of a population that result from changes in birth rates, death rates, and migration.

e. multidisciplinary approach 

an approach to curricular integration that focuses primarily on different disciplines and the diverse perspectives they bring to portray a topic, subject, or issue.

f. economic inequalities

economic inequalities are unequal distribution of income and opportunity among different groups in society.

g. neurological disorders

neurological disorders are medically defined as disorders that affect the brain as well as the nerves found throughout the human body and the spinal cord.

h. biomarkers

 a substance used as an indicator of a biological state, most commonly disease.



B. Complete the sentences below with one of the words in red from the text above.

a. The children were especially .................. that there were enough cookies for each of them to have two.


b. The organization held its annual ................... in New York this year. The health ministers of more than forty countries attended it.


c. It is ................. that makes any organization a successful one.


d. Your life changes ..................... if you perform well in your study.


e. Mr. Gurung is leaving the job because of .......................... disease.


f. Early ....................... of a disease helps us to cure it soon.


g. We have faced ....................... level of climate change at present.


h. The patient may need blood work or other..........................to determine his specific health problem.


i. The world looked for different ................... to find the solution to COVID-19.


C. Choose the best alternatives to complete the following sentences.

a. The greatest public health challenge at present is ........................

i. cancer ii. diabetes

iii. obesity iv. cardiovascular disease

》iii. obesity

b. The Joint Programming Initiative will bring the ............ of member states together.

i. lifestyle ii. economy

iii. challenge iv. knowledge

》iv. knowledge

c. The health care innovation chain begins from ............................

i. researchers ii. biomarkers

iii. diagnostics iv. regulators

i. researchers

d. The need behind multidisciplinary approach is..........................

i. the unchanged pattern of food purchase and consumption

ii. the lack of effective treatments for patients

iii. the poor quality of life

iv. the lack of progress in research and innovation

iv. the lack of progress in research and innovation

6. Through this speech, the speaker wants to ....................................

i. open the conference on the Joint Programming Initiative

ii. invite new public health challenge

iii. launch the programme 'A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life'

iv. appeal the members of EU for collaboration for research and innovation

》iv. appeal the members of EU for collaboration for research and innovation

D. Answer the following questions.

a. What topic is the speaker talking about when she says, " It's a topic that's never out of the media...?"


When the speaker says, a topic that's never out of the media.., she is talking about the Joint Programming Initiative "A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life"

b. According to the speaker, what is the cause of obesity among children in the EU?


According to the speaker,  the cause of obesity among children in the EU is poor diet and low physical activity.

c. What should people do to prevent themselves from the diseases like type 2 diabetes?


People should adopt better lifestyles, healthier diets and physical activities in their lives to prevent themselves from the diseases like type 2 diabetes. 

d. What is Horizon 2020?


Horizon 2020 is Europe's 80-billion-euro research and innovation programme that is designed to tackle society's biggest challenges. This programme will fund the very best research on all aspects of nutrition, health, and diet-related disease of people.

e. Why is research very important to fight against the health challenges?


Research is very important to fight against the health challenges because it can teach us how to prevent diseases like diabetes and obesity and how to choose the best treatment.  Furthermore, research can help translate this knowledge into innovative and effective products and strategies.

f. What result can Horizon 2020 give if it is implemented effectively?


If Horizon 2020 is implemented effectively, it can give a very fine result. It will fund the very best research on nutrition, health, diet-related disease, and ageing, and translate knowledge gained into innovative and effective products, treatments, services, and strategies. This can benefit all patients and prevent many people from developing diseases in the first place.

g. What results does the speaker expect from the conference?


From the conference, the speaker expects to generate innovative ideas and interesting discussions about research and innovation for healthy diets and healthy lives.

h. Do you think that the people of the EU will be benefitted by this conference? If yes, what benefits will they get?


Yes, the people of the EU will be benefitted from this conference. It brings together experts to discuss solutions to the public health challenge of diet and lifestyle-related diseases.  The conference can help facilitate cooperation between member states and promote research and innovation for healthy diets and lifestyles.  The results of this conference can ultimately improve the outcomes of individuals.

E. Draft a short speech entitled, ‘Importance of Exercise for Healthy Life' and deliver it in a small group.


Respected teacher and all my dear friends. Today, I would like to thank my teacher, Mr Ramesh for providing me with a fine chance to put forward some of my views on this particular topic "Importance of Exercise for Healthy Life'

Dear friends, one of the most important things you can do for your health is to exercise regularly.  Physical exercise can strengthen your bones and muscles, help you lose weight, lessen your risk of disease, increase your capacity to carry out daily tasks and improve your cognitive health.  

Adults who engage in moderate-intense physical activity and sit less often gain some health benefits.  Physical activity is one of the few lifestyle choices that has a significant impact on health.

No matter their age, ability, ethnicity, shape, or size, everyone can benefit from physical activity's positive effects on their health.

Some of the advantages of exercise on brain health take place immediately after a session of moderate-to-vigorous exercise.  Children between the ages of 6 and 13 will have better thinking or cognition, adults will experience a short-term reduction in anxiety.  As you age, staying physically active regularly might help keep your thinking, learning, and decision-making abilities sharp.  Additionally, it might improve your quality of sleep and lower your risk of anxiety and depression.

Thus, we must do physical exercise for the sake of healthy life. Physical exercise is the best way to remain healthy and joyous in our lives. Thank you so much 

Grammar ll

A. Circle the correct words to complete these sentences.

a. The doctor told me do /to do some exercise everyday.

》to do some exercise everyday.

b. She said, “Don’t shout /Not to shout”.

Don’t shout.

c. The doctor forbade me to eat/not to eat junk food.

》to eat junk food.

d. I told her, "To speak/Speak slowly".

》Speak slowly.

e. Sumina promised to tell no one/not to tell anyone.

》not to tell anyone.

f. My mother said, "To get /Get out of bed early!"

》"Get out of bed early!"

g. The mountain guide warned him to take/not to take the oxygen cylinder.

》to take the oxygen cylinder. 

h. Sugam said to me, "Go/To go home and take a rest".

》Go home and take a rest.

i. He ordered us we got out /to get out of his way.

》to get out of his way.

j. The librarian requested them please do not make/not to make a noise.

》not to make noise.



B. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. Use the reporting verbs in brackets.

a. “Bring some sugar, Punita”, she said. (ask)

She asked Punita to bring some sugar.

b. “You must submit your assignment soon”, the teacher said. (tell)

The teacher told me to submit my assignment soon.

c. “Remember to come early, Anu”, he said. (remind)

He reminded Anu to remember to come early.

d. “You should see a doctor, Mrs Tamang” , he said. (advise)

He advised Mrs Tamang to see a doctor.

e. “Keep all the windows open, Nona”, my father said. (warn)

My father warned Nona to keep all the windows open.

f. “Go home, Prashun”, Furba said. (tell)

Furba told Prashun to go home.

C. Report the following sentences in indirect speech.

a. The hermit said, "Don't idle away your time".

The hermit told me not to idle away my time.

b. Madan said to his friend, "Please help me with money".

Madan requested his friend to help him with money.

c. "Be not afraid, noble prince", said the Guru.

Guru told noble prince not to be afraid.

d. He said to me, "Let me do my work".

He told me to let him do his work.

e. The General said to his troops, "Guard the fort".

The General told his troops to guard the fort.

f.  Aaswin said to the teacher, "Please excuse me, madam".

Aaswin requested the teacher to excuse him.

g. The guide said to the visitors, "Follow me carefully".

The guide told the visitors to follow him carefully. 

h. My teacher said to me, "Don't look behind".

My teacher told me not to look behind.

i. Mother said to the daughter, "Get ready to receive the guests".

Mother told the daughter to get ready to receive the guests.

j. The boy said to the rescuers, "Please help me to get out of this well".

The boys told the rescuers to help them to get out of that well.

k. The teacher said to the boys, "Read silently".

The teacher told the boys to read silently.

I. The coach said, "Let's play a friendly football match".

The coach suggested to play a friendly football match.

m. The monk said to us, "Give up bad habits".

The monk told us to give up bad habits. 

n. Father said to me, "Do not tell a lie".

Father told me not to tell a lie.

Writing Il

Obesity has become a matter of concern in recent years. Draft a speech on obesity based on the given guiding questions.

What are the primary causes of obesity?

What are its consequences?

What should an individual do to avoid it?


Respected judge of the elocution contest, principal, and all my teachers and dear friends. Today, I would like to thank my house teachers for providing me with a glorious chance to put forward some of my views on this particular topic "Obesity". I would try my best to define it and also its cause, consequences and measures.

Obesity is a complex disease that occurs when people weigh more than what is considered healthy for their height.  Obesity affects both children as well as adults.  Many factors can contribute to excess weight gain, including eating patterns, physical activity levels and sleep routines.

It is often said that eating too much and not getting enough exercise is the primary cause of obesity.  We regularly consume more calories than we burn.  Exercise provides many health benefits and can support weight management.

However, research now indicates that the main factors contributing to obesity are how much and what kind of food we eat.

The risk of the following health problems increases with obesity in both children and adults.

 ▪︎  High cholesterol and high blood pressure are both risk factors for heart disease.

▪︎  Diabetes type 2.

▪︎  Breathing problems include sleep apnea and asthma.

▪︎  Joint conditions including osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal pain.

▪︎  Gallbladder disease with gallstones.

▪︎  Additional conditions associated with childhood obesity include anxiety and depression.

 ▪︎  Having a low level of both self-esteem and life satisfaction.

▪︎  Issues of bullying and stigma in society.

Adults who are obese are more likely to experience stroke, several types of cancer, premature death, and mental illnesses such as clinical depression and anxiety.

To avoid it, an individual should the following things:

▪︎  Limiting unhealthy foods (red meat, processed meats, potatoes, refined grains and sweets) and drinks (sweetened beverages)

▪︎  Raising exercise levels

▪︎  Reducing time spent watching TV, using screens, and other "sitting time"

▪︎  Increase sleep

Thus, we have to take care of the above-mentioned things to remain healthy in our life. Thank you so much .



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