Unit 7 Class 10 English: Cyber Security | Parents | Neb English Notes

Unit 7 Class 10 English: Cyber Security | Parents | Neb English Notes
Neb English Notes 

Unit 7 Class 10 English: Cyber Security | Parents | Neb English Guide 

Unit 7 Class 10 English: Cyber Security

Reading I

Answer the following questions.

a. Has anyone faked or bullied you in the social media? Share with the class.


Yes, one of my friends faked or bullied me in the social media. My friend Ramesh has chatted with me for two weeks in messenger using a fake ID of a girl.

b. What precautions do you take in order to avoid being faked or bullied?


I take the following precautions in order to being faked or bullied. 

▪︎  I never accept request from unknown ID.

▪︎  I never share my personal data and information to strangers. 

▪︎  I inspect unknown requests more carefully. 


A. Choose the words/phrases given below and write against the correct definitions.

munching  ridiculous  window  shopping stammer   obsessed   lurking      outfit    leer swerve       stamp

a. remaining hidden so as to wait for somebody secretly ....................


b. preoccupied with something continually to a troubling extent ...........................


c. the act of looking at goods displayed in shop windows without intending to buy them ........................

window shopping 

d. bringing down one's feet heavily down on the ground ....................


e. deserving or inviting disapproval; absurd ..................


f. a set of clothes worn for a particular occasion or activity ..........................


g. to turn aside abruptly from a straight line or course .................


h. eating something hard, steadily and noisily ...................


i. look or gaze in an unpleasant and offensive way ......................


j. speaking with difficulty, repeating sounds or words and often stopping ..............


B. Rewrite the following sentences in a chronological order.

a. Her father accompanied her to meet the friend.

b. They saw a car on the other side of the road.

c. Anuja told father that she wanted to see her new friend.

d. She revealed of her secret e-identity with her father.

e. She told her father about her new e-friend.

f.  Anuja's father shared the incident with his friend.

g. He observed that Anuja was looking like a boy in her new dress.

h. They waited for Anuja's friend for ten minutes.


Chronological Order

c. Anuja told father that she wanted to see her new friend.

e. She told her father about her new e-friend.

a. Her father accompanied her to meet the friend.

g. He observed that Anuja was looking like a boy in her new dress.

d. She revealed of her secret e-identity with her father.

b. They saw a car on the other side of the road.

h. They waited for Anuja's friend for ten minutes.

f. Anuja's father shared the incident with his friend.

C. Read the story again and answer these questions.

a. Why do you think Anuja was unwilling to take her father along with her to meet her new friend?


I think Anuja was unwilling to take her father along with her to meet her new friend because she didn't want to get embarrassed by her father's presence and wanted to meet her e-friend freely and alone. 

b. How does she criticise her father?


She criticizes her father by calling him obsessed directly.

c. Describe Anuja's e-friend.


Anuja's e-friend is 12 years old. She is very fond of her.

d. Why did Anuja's father propose to go with her?


Anuja's father proposed to go with her because he wanted to ensure her safety after meeting her e-friend at the meeting place.

e. What was the shocking news for her father?


The shocking news for her father was that his daughter Anuja chatted with her e-friend as a boy.

f. Why did they return without meeting Anuja's friend?


They returned without meeting Anuja's friend because they did not find any girl at the place where they were supposed to meet.  They waited there for ten minutes and saw a car with dark windows on the other side of the road, but it sped away. The narrator concludes that the girl was fake, and they finally left.

g. Why do you think Dhurva laughed at the story of Anuja's father?


I think Dhurva laughed at the story of Anuja's father because he got the humourous situation in the last day's incident. He revealed the reason why both (mother and daughter) didn't appear at the meeting place. It was because they saw an old man with a big stomach and a bald head lurking around in the meeting place.

h. How did the girl's mother see Anuja's father? Why didn't they talk to each other? 


The girl's mother saw Anuja's father sitting inside her car. She noticed him lurking around the meeting place. She saw an old man with a big belly and a bald head. They didn't talk to each other because she drove the car back home without meeting him.

D. What can be the consequences of faking your identities and bullying other people on social media and the internet?


Faking your identity and bullying others on social media and the internet can have very bad as well as serious consequences. Some of these consequences are as follows.

▪︎  These acts can be taken as criminal acts and put anyone behind bars legally.

▪︎  These acts can bring a negative impact on anyone's reputation as well as prestige. These acts can easily damage anyone's personal as well as professional life.

▪︎  These acts can lead anyone to a very worst situation. People suffer a lot due to these acts. 

▪︎  These acts can also bring very negative impacts on our mental health.

▪︎  Due to these acts, people lose their relationships.




Read the following sentences with the correct pronunciation and write their intonation patterns.

a. I'm going to meet my e-mail friend.

email friend (falling intonation)

b. Why? Is it because I'm 60 years old?

Why? (rising intonation) old (falling intonation)

c. God! I tried to digest this new information.

God! (rising intonation)

d. Is it because I'm 60 years old? Or is it because I've a big belly?

Old? (rising intonation) a big belly? (rising intonation)

e. She knows me as a boy, doesn't she?

doesn't she? (rising intonation)

she (falling intonation)

f. Do you know what she said about you?

you (rising intonation)

g. They came out of the car, waited for the girl and finally returned home.

car (rising intonation)

waited (rising intonation)

girl (falling intonation)

finally (rising intonation)

h. You are obsessed dad.

obsessed (rising intonation)

dad (falling intonation)


A. Both Anuja and her father were embarrassed after Dhurva revealed they were spotted by the girl's mother while waiting for Anuja's e-friend. Say what the father and daughter should and shouldn't have done to avoid the guilt.


a. Anuja shouldn't have introduced herself as a boy to her e-friend.


b. Anuja's father shouldn't have gone along with her daughter.

c. He should have let Anuja to stand there at first.

d. He shouldn't have been overprotective. 

e. He should have allowed Anuja at the meeting place.

B. Study the following conversations.

Conversation I

Daughter: I finished all my project work last night. I'm really exhausted now.

Mother: You should do your work on time and go to bed early.

Conversation II

Teacher: Sambriddhi, why are you late again?

Sambriddhi: I'm sorry. I missed my bus.

Teacher: You should have reached the station on time.

Conversation III

Gagan: My friend is angry with me.

Sajan: I think you shouldn't have spoken to her harshly.

C. Work in pairs. Criticise your partner in the following situations.

a. Your partner has lost his/her money.

Partner: I have lost my money.

I: You should have been careful about your money.

b. S/he got low grades in English.

Ram: Why are you looking so upset?

Hari: I got low grades in English. 

Ram: You should have taken English coaching classes.

c. S/he has forgotten to do her/his homework.

Teacher: Where is your homework?

Silu: Oh! I have forgotten to do my homework. 

Teacher: You shouldn't have played much.

d. Somebody has hacked his/her email.

Ram: Hey buddy! You look so serious. 

Hari: Somebody has hacked my email.

Ram: You should be careful while doing online tasks. 

e. S/he was lost while visiting the market.

Jack: Hi! Harry. Where did you go without informing?

Harry: Oh! Jack. I was lost while visiting the market.

Jack: You shouldn't have left your friends' company. 

f. S/he is feeling drowsy in the class.

Rama: Hello, Sita. Why are you feeling drowsy in the class?

Sita: Oh! Rama. I didn't sleep properly last night.

Rama: You should have slept properly.

g. S/he cannot remember the password of her computer.

Jane: What happened? Is there any problem with the computer?

Sima: No, I forgot my computer's password.

Jane: You should have noted it in your diary.

Grammar I

A. Read the sentences below and say whether the words in red are used to express advice, moral obligation or compulsion.

a. You should raise your voice against discrimination.

b. You must abide by the traffic rules while driving

c. You ought to be fair in your judgment.

B. Complete the sentences below with should, ought to or must. Use the negative forms where necessary.

a. Every child .......... take good care of their aging parents.


b. If you want to lose weight, you ............. exercise regularly.

ought to

c. A: Someone picked my pocket.

B: You .................. inform the police about it.


d. A: How was the movie?

B : It was great. You ........ go and see it.


e. We ............ disrespect our nation at any cost.


f. You look ill. You ......... see a doctor.


g. In order to maintain healthy habits, we ............ go to bed early and get up early in the morning.


h. You ............... offend people with your harsh words.


i. We ............... learn to apologise with people to build trust and cooperation.


j. If you find someone's goods, you ........... try to return them to the respective person.




Writing I

A. Read the following email of invitation.

Subject: Invitation to the wedding of our brother

[email protected]

Subject: Invitation to the wedding of our brother

Dear Niti,

Our family has organised a small reception party with a few close friends, relatives and family members to celebrate our elder brother Naman's wedding.

We would like to invite your family to attend the party. We hope that you and your parents will be able to join us to celebrate the function The party will be held at ABC Party Venue. Dumre, Tanahun. on 21st March at 5 p.m_ For your convenience. I have attached the location map herewith

I do hope you will be there to share happy memories with us. Please let us know if you will be able to come.

With best regards,


B. Imagine that you are Niti, and that you were unable to attend the function. Write a reply email to Sambridhi apologising for your inability to attend her brother's wedding due to an urgent family business.


From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: An Apology for my Absence to Attend the Wedding

My dearest friend Sambridhi,

I'm so glad to receive your email. We are feeling too happy to know about your brother Naman's wedding on 21st March. When I told about Naman's wedding to my parents, they became too excited to hear that. Later, we decided to attend the wedding ceremony too.

Today, in the morning time, we got quite unfortunate news of the death of one of our close relatives in our village. We have to move to our village right now. We would like to make an apology that we won't attend Naman's wedding tomorrow. We hope that your family would understand our feelings. We have even informed Naman about this matter. Once again extremely sorry for our absence in the wedding ceremony. 


Niti Thapaliya

Reading Il

Cyber Security: Basic Internet Safety Tips

A. Match the words given below with their meanings.

a. possession v. something that you own or have with you; belongingness

b. intertwined viii. closely connected with somebody or something

c. integration vii. the act of combining two or more things together

d. avoid i. to prevent something bad from happening

e. sensitive ii. quick to detect or respond to slight changes or signals

f. proliferated ix. increased rapidly in number or amount

g. shielding iv. protecting something from danger or harm

h. promptly x. without any delay

i. authentication vi. the act of proving that something is real or true

j. transaction iii. an act of buying or selling; deal

B. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. It is a good idea to use the same password in different accounts for safety purpose.


b. The teenagers are more vulnerable than any other age groups regarding the internet safety.


c. It is not safe to let the computer remember our passwords.


d. A cheap debit card is safer than the expensive one.


e. It is not safe to enable auto update of software in our devices.


f. We should never enter our financial details on websites.


C. Read the following paragraph headings and write the correct paragraph name (A-H) against them.

a. Keep your Personal Data Safe

b. Keep Personal Information Private

c. Set up Two-factor Authentication

d. Make Sure your Devices are Secure

e. Be Careful about WiFi

f. Pay Attention to Software Updates

g. Back up your Personal Data

h. Protect your Personal Information with Strong Passwords


h. Protect your Personal Information with Strong Passwords A

a. Keep your Personal Data Safe B

c. Set up Two-factor Authentication C

f. Pay Attention to Software Updates D

e. Be Careful about WiFi E

c. Set up Two-factor Authentication F

b. Keep Personal Information Private G

g. Back up your Personal Data H

D. Answer these questions.

a. How do we try to protect our physical property?


We try to protect our physical property by applying several measures like using locks, alarms, security cameras, security guards, and insurance.

b. What should we do to keep our passwords secret?


To keep our passwords secret, we should create strong passwords that are unique to each account, avoid including personal information in them, change them frequently, and never share them with anyone.

c. Mention any two safety measures for shopping with debit cards.


Two safety measures for shopping with debit cards are as follows.

1. Shielding the PIN pad while making the purchase.

2. Using a chip debit card to protect financial information. 

d. How can we secure our accounts even when someone finds our password?


Even when someone finds our password, we can secure our accounts by adding an extra layer of security.

e. Why do you think we should make online friends only to familiar people?


I think we should make online friends only with familiar people because relying on strangers may be risky. There is a risk of misuse of our personal information. We may be the victims of strangers' wrong intentions. 

f. What can we do to keep our online data safe?


To keep our online data safe, we can do the following things.

1. Use strong passwords

2. Enabe two-factor authentication

3. Be cautious about sharing personal information

4. Use antivirus software

5. Avoid public Wi-Fi

6. Back up data regularly

7. Keep software up to date with the latest security updates.

E. Have you ever lost your personal data and information while using the internet? Share your experiences in the class.


Yes, I have lost my personal data and information while using the internet. Actually, I lost my personal data and information due to my own mistakes. I lost all my important data and information from Google Cloud Drive. When I used Google Drive for the first time, I uploaded all my data and information successfully on it. Later, when I tried to get my uploaded data, I was unable to get the exact location of my data and information storage. I kept on searching for all my files there but in vain. Being frustrated, I deleted my Gmail account which erased everything from the storage. Later, after a few days, I got an idea from my friend about the way of using Google Drive. Thus, a single click can easily erase everything from your drive. We have to be much more careful while using the internet. 

Grammar ll

A. Complete the sentences below with articles a or an.

a. Doctor : What is your problem?

Patient : I have ........ fever and I feel dizzy.


b. Would you like to be ...... actor in the future?


c. What ...... lovely garden you have!


d. We spent half ...... hour in complete silence.


e. Please keep ...... eye on our house while we are away.


f. Mr. Napit has brought ....... ewe in his farm.


g. Ms Sharma's opinion was criticised as having ....... one-dimensional perspective.


h. We had to catch ............ early bus to be here on time.


B. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with a, an or the.

a. Could you open ...... window, please?


b. Did you read ........ book I gave you last week?


d. All the desks were full. So we had to sit on ........ floor.


e. Can you play ...... flute well?


f. You have ......... lovely house. I am particularly impressed by ............. living room.



g. ................ president is elected every five years in Nepal.


h. Do you think that the tourist is from Japan? No, she looks like .......... European.


i. "This is .......... biggest fish I have ever caught in my life.


j. Bhartmani is known to be ....... man of action.


C. Fill in the blanks with the correct articles. If no article is used, put a cross (X).

a. Mrs. Paudel went to ........... school to meet her son's teacher.


b. What time did you get ........... home yesterday?


c. ................... Netherlands consists of twelve provinces.


d. .............. Everest is the pride of our country.


e. ................. Nile is the longest river in Africa.


f. .................. New Road is a financial hub in Kathmandu.


g. ................... Aarohan Gurukul Theater was founded in 1982.


h. What did you have for .......... breakfast this morning?


i. Braille system was developed to help ...... blind for reading and writing.


i. Do you always play .......... badminton at school?


Writing Il

Write a newspaper article on "Internet and Cyber Security". Use the following guidelines in your article.

Introduction to the internet and technology

Use of the internet in our daily lives

The abuses of the internet

Need and ways of data privacy


         Internet and Cyber Security

The Rising Nepal
April 20

In the present times, the internet and technology have become essential in every aspect of our everyday life. Along with digitization, our dependence on the Internet for communication, shopping, banking, entertainment and other purposes has increased dramatically. The Internet has many advantages, but it also raises many security issues.

The Internet is a big network which can be misused. Cybercriminals and hackers use a variety of tactics to break into systems, steal identities, and access personal data. These wrongful actions can have major effects on specific people, groups, and society at large.

In this risky time, we should prioritize data privacy and take precautions to protect our digital lives. Data privacy refers to safeguarding the confidentiality of personal information and preventing its unauthorized access, use or sharing. Several strategies, such as using strong passwords, installing antivirus software, and being cautious when sharing information online, can help us achieve this.

Additionally, it is important to understand the many tactics used by hackers and cybercriminals, including phishing, malware, and social engineering. Malware is defined as harmful software that can infect systems and steal data, while phishing involves the use of fake emails or websites to coerce people into revealing important information. Social engineering is the practice of controlling people to obtain confidential information.

In conclusion, the Internet has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives, but it also raises several security issues. We must take precautions to protect our data and be alert to the tactics used by hackers and cybercriminals.  We can protect our digital lives by prioritizing data privacy and ensuring everyone can use the internet safely.



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